Category: Car Servicing and Repair Category: Car Servicing and Repair
Address: West Hill, Harrow, Middlesex, HA2 0JQ
Landline: 020 8422 5999
Landline: 020 8422 4220
Website: Visit Website
Website: Visit Website
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diagnostics, electrical repairs, exhaust, servicing, suspension, all car repairs
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Combining both quality and several years of experience, you can rely on Harrow On The Hill Motors Limited to deliver the service you are looking for.
Trade Bodies / Associations Member of Good Garage Scheme
Specialist Services Harrow on the Hill Motors specialises in: * Free Estimates * Same Day Servicing * Collection & Delivery within 5 miles * Mechanical Repair * Electrical Repair * Diagnostics * Bodywork arranged * Mot arranged * Tyres * Exhausts * Brakes * Steering * Electrical Work